We went blackberry picking a couple weeks ago and got about a gallon, but it was obviously a little early in the season. The ripe berries were a bit hard to find and we got a fair amount that weren't completely ripe , but we did alright. We decided to go back this weekend figuring that the season should be in full swing. It definitely was! There were lots of berries even though we could tell that there had been people there picking the day before most likely. If I had a good, high pair of waterproof boots, we would have gotten much more. The farm boots I have would have been too short for the level of the creek. As it was, we probably got about two gallons (minus what the boys ate while picking). We sure had a lot of fun!
The boys (all three of them), with their berry buckets.

Demonstrating how they tested the quality of the berries.

Hmmm, maybe this is why their buckets weren't very full...

When we got home, we made some blackberry lemonade using the delicious berries from today and some of the lemon juice from the big bag full of lemons that I juiced and saved earlier this summer.

Now I just have to figure out what I want to do with them. I may make some blackberry syrup and/or jelly. The syrup sounds extremely good to me right now. Yum!
YaY... for berries! We have a ton of bushes that grow in our yard and every year I cant wait to pick them! That berry lemonade looks really good, need to try that one day. I like making jam and ice cream topping with my wildberries :)
I always look forward to blackberry picking. Just wouldn't be summer without it! Your boys crack me up, too cute!
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