We had a belated Thanksgiving this year as Dave was sick over Thanksgiving weekend. The boys and I did go to Arizona and had a lovely time with my parents but Dave ended up staying at home and missing out on all the food (and good company!) We decided to do Thanksgiving at our house this last Sunday, Dec. 5th. We have been patiently waiting for our turkey at the farm to be ready for processing. Finally, the Monday before Thanksgiving, we were ready to process. There were 13 turkeys to be done and the majority of people waiting for the turkeys were on hand to help with processing. There was an area all set up at the farm that made it nice and easy to get it all done, and having so many people there was a great help. Many hands make light work! Dave and the boys were still camping so I went to the farm armed with a cooler, some trash bags, and a sharp knife. I really wish I had gotten some pictures of it before and after we cooked it, but I totally forgot. The best I have is some of the meat on a platter on our table. It was good though! I will definitely be buying another one next year. The dark meat really stood out, much darker than the meat from a commercial bird, and very flavorful.
The rest of our meal consisted of roasted brussels sprouts and broccoli, crescent rolls (I think the best I have made in many years), stuffing, mashed potatoes, the ubiquitous jellied cranberry sauce (I couldn't bring myself to give it up this year), and a pecan pie. Pretty much a normal Thanksgiving meal but I was mighty proud of that local, farm-raised bird from
Amy's Farm .
The only picture I remembered to take of the turkey (a Bourbon Red):
Various other pictures. It was the fifth night of Chanukah when we had our Thanksgiving so the boys are wearing their kippot and our chanukiot are all set up and ready to light.
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