Lovely lemons waiting to be put to good use.

Zested and waiting to be sliced.

I have a couple different zesters that make different sized zest. For this, I wanted a medium zest, not too thick but also not teensy, tiny strings. I think the resulting zest was perfect.

I removed the white pith from the zested lemons, sliced them and put them in with the zest.

The mixture then was stirred with water and put in the fridge for several hours to soak. When I took it out of the fridge, I put it on the stove to start cooking.

As the mixture cooked and was eventually mixed with sugar and cooked some more, it turned a much darker color.

I transfered the hot mixture to prepared jars, put on lids and rings, and they went into the water bath.

I didn't want to fill up my large water bath canner for only three pint jars, so I used my stock pot that has a removable basket for boiling pasta. It worked great as a water bath canner. It kept the jars from touching the bottom of the pot and it was super easy to lift them in and out of the boiling water.

All that work resulted in three jars of lemon marmalade. The recipe was decent, but I think next time I will look for something a little less labor intensive and time consuming. It was a lot of work for three jars!

*I want to apologize for the picture quality in this and a few future posts. My husband took the kids on an extended camping trip and so had the camera with them. These pictures are taken with the camera in my phone.
Cool... I love freecycle!
Heather, you amaze me! My mom sent me a link to your page, so I've been following you!
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