We have doctored the dogs and they will be fine, but nothing can bring back the chickens. It took me two years to get chickens to laying age that laid green eggs and now they are both gone (the first Easter Eggers I had laid cream colored eggs). All of the chickens were at prime laying age. I can't even start over with chicks right now because it will soon be too cold to brood them outside and I don't like having chicks in the house. We just got rid of our brooder box anyway so I will end up having to make another one in the spring. I probably won't be able to give eggs to friends and neighbors throughout the winter as two of the girls who are left are starting to molt and aren't breeds that lay well over the winter anyway. All around, it just stinks.
Goodbye girls, sorry you had such rotten end.

Awww... How Sad! I'd be really upset.
Oh no, sorry to hear that! A chicken seems like it is worth much more than $15 when you are attached to them and depending on them for eggs. It's hard to trust someone else to look after your babies. I'm sure they feel pretty rotten about it though. :(
Ugh .. it's so hard when you obsess over caring for your animals and for 5 days away you pay with losses .. I'm so sorry ..
~texasgal from BYC
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