Before they left us, both of our lovely does had kids and that was undoubtedly the best part of having goats. The kids loved us and we loved them. They climbed in our laps to nap, they chewed our hair, and left little goaty footprints on all our clothes. The ran and jumped and hopped and in general were just adorable. When I went out to do milking, I had to braid my hair, put it down the back of my shirt, and then put on sweatshirt with the hood up to keep them from eating all of my hair while I was busy with milking. I would love to live where we could again have goats and hope to get that chance someday.
Bella was the queen of the herd and the mother (or grandmother) of all the goats we had. She definitely had the queen attitude. She made sure everyone knew their place; dogs, the other goats, even us. She was always the one who woke me up in the morning telling me as loudly as she could that it was time for me to get up, let her out into the yard, and get her some grain. She had the most evil stare I have ever seen on a goat when things weren't going her way. The first picture is an awful one but gives a good impression of that intimidating stare.

Fleur was one of Bella's kids and wasn't nearly as trusting of people. Bella knew exactly what people were for, to provide her with food and back scratches. Fleur had to be convinced that we weren't actually trying to eat her. Once we gained her trust, however, she was just as demanding of treats but could still do without most of the back scratches. When she thought we were up to something nefarious, she would scream like the devil was biting her butt. She was a fantastic milker, however.

Bella had three kids while she was with us. Triplets that were just the cutest little goats in existence. Lupin was the first one born and was the pig of the group. He was constantly whining that he was hungry and was always the first one to try and steal grain when I was concentrating on milking.

Sirius was the second-born and had only one thing on his mind from the moment he was born. Girls. All he ever thought about was trying to impress the girls, and since they were the only ones around, he concentrated that attention on his sisters Fleur and Tonks. When he went to a new home, no one was more glad than Fleur who had certainly had enough of him.

Tonks was the only girl born to our does and was secretly our favorite. She had a great personality, was very out-going and definitely the most attention-seeking of all the kids. She was probably the most active of all the kids and constantly entertained us with her antics.

Dobby was Fleur's first and only kid. He was cute but somewhat reserved like his mother. He certainly preferred to spend his time with the other goats rather than with the humans.

Goats are still one of my loves, just one I can't indulge at this time. Hopefully in the future, we will be able to move and have more lovely LaManchas. At least we have still have dogs and chickens to sustain us!